
Default facebook guy (I would credit who designed this graphic, but for the life of me I can’t find it)

For the three of you that don’t get to my site through facebook (the same three who are the only ones I know in the world not on facebook), I thought I would share a project that I have been entertaining myself with for the past month or so that I like to call,facebook faces! For those of you not on facebook, above is the default profile picture you get when you sign up as a male on facebook. For those of you who are on facebook, maybe I should explain myself…

At the end of my very first post: PRESENCE I asked a bunch of questions that I continue to ask myself everyday as a designer. Like: ‘How do you manage the loss of privacy with the desire to be heard?’ My facebook faces project is a play on the idea of anonymity in a social network. Nerdy? Yes. Do I think you find them as entertaining as I do? No. Will I continue to make them? Depends on how long I find them entertaining. You have an idea for a facebook face? Yes, I would be happy to make one for you!


mac gritte

clown face


different clothes


orange man

7 Responses to “:FACES”

  1. Stacia Says:

    I’m not the only one not on facebook?! Sweet!
    How about green man for a facebook face? (can you borrow from Sunny in Philadelphia?)
    Or Mario?
    Or crossdresser? (x. dresser)
    I’ll keep thinking…

  2. Mrs. Moore Says:

    I happen to find these endlessly entertaining. MacGritte is a personal favorite. Though I have a soft spot for the facebug… and if you made a Mario one, you would have a good set of my Halloween costumes going…

    To keep it up you would need to include grapes and the bride of Frankenstein. 🙂

    OH! and if you do Todd’s costumes, you would need to make Abraham Lincoln! Could you name him “Abraham Linkedin”? even though it’s FB?!


  3. :COVERS « Says:

    […] it or not one of the most popular posts I have ever had on my site was about  default facebook profile pictures.  It continues to drive traffic to my site over a year later, so I thought I would share some […]

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